I Started A Podcast!

Some days I don’t know what to do with all this beauty. Simply witnessing it doesn’t feel like enough. I want to ingest it somehow. Like ordering too much food and trying to eat it all in one sitting.
Every time I find the right word for something, I feel relief.
I remember writing the kids’ names on the tags of their clothes, the tongues of their shoes, the edges of their cheap beach towels before they left for summer camp the first time. It felt like everything would be ok as long as their things bore their names.
I think I’m still walking through life like this; wanting everything to have a name and wanting the names to exist on some kind of scroll I can tuck safely away and keep track of.
I know how much words matter. And at the same time, this is just another paradox. We are everything and nothing. We are monumental and inconsequential. We are only here now but also, maybe, leaving an impression that will carry on forever?
I wanted a place where all the words and the stories I know could live. They’ve been more and more scattered across my life over time as my need to collect them only ever seems to grow. So I wrote a book and decided to start a podcast. Yes! A podcast! Why not? Everyone else seems to have one these days :)
The podcast is something that’s jumped on and off my to-do list for years now, if I’m being honest. This is actually the theme of the first episode: what it means to love something and give up on it. What gets in the way and what it takes to transcend what gets in the way, to birth a goal or a dream into full actualization.
I really struggled to understand my struggle. And as I pulled back the veil on my own experience of both sabotaging the podcast goal and scrambling to resurrect it, I did a lot of deep introspection that wound up becoming episode one. Using ourselves as our own case studies can be very helpful! A little distance and detachment often supports us in seeing our own “stuff” more clearly.
I took all the insights and reflections from that process and shared them in episode one - which you can now listen to here!
There are lots of other goodies in the episodes on deck - so I hope you’ll consider subscribing and following along.
Any topics you specifically wanna hear about? Or feedback about the show? Just DM me on Instagram @marywelchofficial
I'm excited to share this labor of love with you and honored as always, for the gift of your presence along the journey.
Happy listening, happy Tuesday and hope 2023 is off to a stellar start for all!